Why is Organic SunGard-ZERO® The Best UV-Finish Choice
The Organic SunGard-Zero UV protection finish is your best choice for fabrics used in upholstery and drapery because most textiles suffer discoloration when exposed to Ultra violet rays for a long period of time. However, when the fabric is treated with SunGard-ZERO® the natural ingredients inherent in the finish create a protective barrier that minimizes the effects of the sun keeping the colors fresh and vibrant. The SunGard-ZERO® is laboratory tested and in compliance with the 200+ hours Light Fastness Test guidelines from the Association for Contract Textiles (ACT) guidelines which means that SunGard-Zero® will provide UV- protection to your fabrics up to 2,800 hours of indirect sunlight.
We developed our UV finish, SunGard-ZERO® to be a sustainable product that is 100% Organic, healthy to our clients and kind to the environment.
SunGard-Zero® is a non-toxic PFAS-Free performance finish with an utmost performance rate that will prolong the lifespan of the fabric and add to a healthy lifestyle.